I've been blogging for five months now and I have really enjoyed visiting so many lovely people. I've loved reading about you all in so many different countries and getting to know some of you quite well. I also love watching your projects come to life and seeing your creativity.
My giveaway package will contain a very beautiful hand beaded purse decorated with Pohutukawa flowers. The Pohutukawa tree is affectionately known as New Zealand's native Christmas tree, as it flowers during the Christmas season. (Although I've seen some in flower already this year!!)

Pinning Done
Look at this! I've actually finished pinning my quilt!! Jolly amazing really as I didn't realize how long this process would take. I had to trust my girls to not walk on it, which they did struggle with at times. Naughty, naughty.
your quilt looks fantastic! I'd love to be in your giveaway :)
And I follow in google reader :)
Sarah , I'd like to take part in your giveaway , of course . I hope I'll win your wonderful gifts ! (Well, Fortune is usually not my friend , but maybe now ... Who knows ? )
I'll post about it only Monday if you don't mind ...
I love the quilt!
Have a wonderful weekend !
lots of love and hugs:Manka
How exciting this all is, Sarah! I have some jewellery made of the paua shell - it really is amazingly rainbowy. Thanks for the chance to win this lovely NZ giveaway. I've copied your button and will put it on my blog now, and will mention your giveaway within the next few days.
Dear Sarah
Oh, your collection of NZ items for the giveaway is beautiful! There has been a lot of "oh!" and "Ah!" as I've read through this post!
I'd love to be part of the giveaway and will post your picture over on my blog.
I'm also delighted that you are taking part in the letter writing swap!
The quilt is looking good ... I bet once you start quilting, you'll struggle to move away from it.
Have a super weekend
Denise x
These giveaway things are so lovely! I love the buttons especially. It's cool to see what is special to you and to where you live...the flowers, the jandals and, of course, the red gingham! (I'll blog about it in the next few days too.)
Good luck with your quilting. Your quilt looks great!
I love your quilt - it looks really wonderful! I'd love to join your giveaway, too, and will put your picture on my blog - I've just become a follower, too! Great to discover you - which I did via Floss's blog above.
Pomona x
Hi Sarah, thanks for the comments on my blog! It was nice to have you visit. Was looking for your email to answer but could not find it.
great giveaway and put together with great care! I'd love to be in the draw! Thanks.
Oh as a NZ'er living in England I would love to enter your giveaway please. I always start to feel homesick at this time of year as winter approaches and your goodies would be a perfect pick me up! I have been following your blog for a little while now, so will join your 'followers' and put a link from my blog :-)
Hi Sarah!
What a generous and lovely giveaway! I'd love to enter, please!
Have a fantastic weekend!
P.S. I'm going to add a link to your blog on my sidebar xxx
Such cute things in your give-away! I'd love to win them all, but I'm partial to buttons!! (Put me down for 9!)
Hello, I just found you via Floss.
I have really enjoyed your posts, and have become a follower, please can I enter your giveaway.
Luv Sophie xxx
Beautiful quilt - when I retire I would love to make one, to pretty. My first born is named Sarah - have always loved the name, please put my in for your giveaway and thanks so much :o)
J in Florida
hi sarah, your quilt is gorgeous, please may you enter me in your giveaway! thanks fliss xx
How lovely to stumble across your blog! I am really enjoying looking through all your projects.
Your quilt is gorgeous, please enter me in your giveaway. I love the Puhutukawa tree and was able to see it in flower last Christmas for the first time. Love your blog.
Your quilt looks beautiful.
Fantastic giveaway prizes, please enter me too, thank you!
These are such beautiful items, with such a NZ flair that I feel I have just visited!
Thank you ;-)
I follow ;-)
What a fab giveaway (I've already learned something new about your home country) and thanks for the opportunity to enter the draw.
The pinning process usually leaves my fingers bleeding, right under the fingernail. It's not my favorite part! Good luck quilting. It will be beautiful!
What a generous and fun giveaway, I of course would love to be entered!!
Thanks for the chance.
Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)
I'm having a senior moment and can't find where to follow you, but when I do I'll be signing up!
What a lovely thing to do and what a lovely giveaway!
I found you by accident, please enter me into your draw. I've added you to my google reader. I follow a few NZ blogs, and yours is lovely!
I don't have my own blog but if I did, I would very happily publicise your giveaway!
Jo, Cornwall, UK x
Lovely quilt. I'm making one very similar. I think I'm going to try my hand at the machine quilting with it to.
Would love a chance to win your giveaway.
I am so glad I am back in time to enter your very generous giveaway. Such wonderful treasures!
I have been following your blog ever since Floss ( thank you, Floss!) introduced you to me, and I look forward to each and every post. Except posts where you tease us with superduper, jawdroppingly fab sewing machines which quilt, humph. Those are totally not fair, double humph.
And of course now that I am back on the internet, I will gladly tell the world about this great giveaway on my blog.
Back to catching up on your posts now, lol xx
Well, Im actually from NZ..I LOVE your gifts you are giving away. Id love a chance to go into the draw.... Lisa
Oh my, I don't know how to quilt really, and I am always impressed by those who have the patience and creativity to quilt!
What a generous giveaway. Count me in!
P.S. I've been a blog follower, and will be announcing this giveaway in the sidebar of my blog :)
What a great NZ giveaway! I'd like to join and I put it on my blogroll too.
...and now I'm your newest follower!
Thank you for the chance,
Edit from Hungary
What a nice blog you have! I would like to be entered to your giveaway, too. I'm now your new follower :) and put the picture of the giveaway to my blog. I hope to be the lucky one as I'm very interested in New Zealand :)
Helloooo, yes please, I am in and would love to win that little package!! Just have to figure out how to put your link on my sidebar?
Hello! I've just found you through The Cookie Cutter's blog! I love your quilt, I'm in the process of making my first one and am terrified of the quilting bit! I'd love to be entered in the giveaway and will add you to my 'followed blogs'!
Hi Sarah,
I'm really pleased to have found your lovely blog!! I've added you to my sidebar. Happy Quilting. Ros
Hello from the USA--Tennessee to be exact! It's so fun to see what people are doing on the other side of the world. Quilting is a favorite in my area and it's great to see what you are working on. Good luck with finishing your quilt!
I have put your picture up on my sidebar of my blog...I carnt find on your blog where to follow??
I love the little red purse-lovely details,also love your daughter's cards-so bright and cheerful!
Elaine R
The quilt is absolutely stunning!
I would love to win your giveaway, I am now a follower and have put your details in the sidebar of my blog.
Good Luck everyone!
Hi Sarah, I have added you to my sidebar...I have a giveaway going on too if your are interested in it.... Take care Lisa
These giveaway things are so lovely!
Good luck with your quilting. Your quilt looks great!
Oh Sarah- what a fabulous giveaway. Those pineapple lumps look amazing and your quilt is simply stunning! Please enter me in your giveaway. I am going for broke and maximising my chances in all ways possible so will add myself as a follower and mention you on ny blog. Write some more- it is great!
x Lucy
Sorry- just me again. I am not anonymous- I hit the wrong button- I am lucy at
Letting you know I've placed your link on my site.
Hi What a lovely giveaway Sarah.
I'm now following, and will add a link in my post. Sorry couldn't work out how to put a link on my side bar :0(
Hi Again,
It's me, Anna the stalker, haha, no not really. I've signed up to follow you, I'm writing this comment for another entry and soon I'm going to go and post about your giveaway on my personal blog which is http://sewgoodsewfar.wordpress.com I think your blog is totally cute and I always love to hear what's going on Down Under (I hope you don't mind if I use that phrase.) I have lots of friends and customers who live in Australia and Tasmania and now I'll have one from New Zealand too!
Hi! I'd like to be in on your great giveaway of fun things. Scrolled down and peeked at your nine patch- it is lovely. Thanks.
Hello Sarah,Congratulations on a wonderful blog.Love the name. I would like to participate in your giveaway. I will put your little picture on my side bar with a link to your blog. Love the work you are doing on your quilt. Happy days.
What a great blog, and what a generous giveaway! :-)
What a lovely giveaway! Count me in.
How lovely, I'm just in time, I think! I'm in love with your quilt - you do such fab things, it's always a joy to visit. Thanks for your lovely comment - I'm only just getting around to blogs, as we've had a rushed week with them all going back to schools. Three different schools now. Oh joy!
I'll keep my fingers crossed re the giveaway. Have a fab day. xxx
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