The day started off a bit wet this morning but the sun was doing it's best to shine. Definitely coats for the walk to school though just in case. The weather actually cheered up immensely during the morning, and was sunny enough for the little girls to play outside.
We picked our first lettuce from our vegetable garden this morning. No. 2 always has Vegemite and lettuce sandwiches for her school lunches. There were about three possibilities, but we chose this perky one. A quick flick for the snails, and a shake to remove all the rain drops, and we were ready.
Look at the end product? Doesn't it look yummy? It is sooo much fresher and crisper than the ones you buy. It tasted like it had been in a garden too. Much better flavour. So there we were, all eating lettuce, before breakfast. Actually breakfast itself was a bit of a disaster. Little miss 4 was fooling around and ended up on the floor, with a container of milk pouring all over her hair! We couldn't stop laughing at the sight of her, the poor little thing.
Remember Dreary Wednesday? Well, I needed something to brighten the day somewhat. I managed to convinced the four girls to let me go to the emporium and fabric shop. Yeah, we ended up going to the toy shop, of course! Good deal really - suited all of us.
So, this is the latest $4 a metre fabric bargain I picked up. It's so lovely and old fashioned, just crying out to be made into something fabulous. I haven't really got a plan for it yet, but there is 2.8m (end of the roll), so it could be a wee range of goodies. I'm thinking it will team very well with black and white gingham.
Here it is with more detail. Aren't the aprons fabulous?
Now, I actually made a couple of bags last weekend along with the makeup bags, but I forgot to photograph them for you. So here is my favourite orange fabric one for you to see. It's a craft bag, lined and padded, with a velvet ribbon to finish it off.

Look what I found when I was cleaning up my bedside drawer. My eldest must have made it when she was about six I'm guessing. It has on it "The flower is so pretty". But of course it was the gingham ribbons that really appealed to me. What a lovely idea to make a gingham garden for her flower. I will buy a frame and hang it by my bed.

There have been some home renovations going on here today. Daughter No. 1 is now the proud owner of a new wardrobe. She has got quite used to the floordrobe system of late, so it might come as a bit of a shock to her when we expect her to hang her clothes. She is not at all tidy in nature so this will be a struggle for her.
This is the before photo:

Drum roll please - da dada da da daaaaa ... and now the after:

I must say I have done quite a bit of cleaning and tidying up this morning. Just the floors left to wash and a quick flick over the bathroom. I never do the bathroom until the last minute as children can destroy very quickly! They seem to gravitate towards clean rooms like a magnet.
Right then, off to find the bucket and mop. Happy stitching, or knitting, or whatever takes your fancy. Good morning to all my European visitors. Nice to see so many of you popping in for a visit. See you all later!