I've been having one of those weeks I afraid. You know the ones, when you think you waste too much time on here rather than actually doing the work. Christmas is starting to sink in and panic me. There's so much to do and attend on top of everything normal. I've also been wondering if I should just 'can' blogging too. But I know it's just the Christmas thing and next year I'll have plenty of time again and I do enjoy rabbiting on to anyone prepared to listen. Oh and good listeners you are too! Thank you all. xxx
So I've been a good girl and have finished a few projects this week. This bear is what I made this morning. She's from the Softies book although I just cut a pattern for her as I don't have access to a photocopier. Not to worry, makes her a bit more unique.

I did make one small change for her. She's supposed to be wearing an apron, but really!!! I couldn't be responsible for her having a dull life in the kitchen, especially when I loath the room myself. No she's more of a tree climbing kind of girl. I did make her a little brooch though, kind of feminine and cute. Not sure who will be receiving her for Christmas but I have plans to make a pink one as well. This was just a try out really. Do you like her red gingham hands?!!! Bit oven glovey really. Never mind.

Well I've successfully managed to screw up my birthday giveaway by leaving people out. I just scanned down the comments and thought all were present. NOT!!! Really sorry for leaving some of you out but as it hasn't actually happened yet, all's well that ends well. And being one of the female sex, I am entitled to change my mind at any given moment without explanation. So the rules have changed.
Now thinking on the spot once again, I will now explain the new rules of my giveaway. Ummm, ummm, arrr, OK, maybe we could play a game. How about you tell me what I'm going to be doing for my birthday and maybe guess how many candles will be on my cake. Yes I am expecting a cake as my girls wouldn't have it any other way. Sweet things! Oh and please don't advertise my giveaway, it's just for you, my dear friends.
The winner will the one with the closest guess and perhaps the funniest. We'll see, I'll let my girls decide. See it's all wishy washy again! Here's a photo of the main prize (but don't get too excited please!) hidden away in a little felt pocket. There will be a few little extras too! Oh and I will announce the winner on Sunday, my birthday - whenever I can fit it in. Good luck!

Right moving on, look what I received in the post yesterday! Another parcel from
Liz. Really that girl is bad!! She sent me one of her
lavender bags that I have always admired for my birthday. Luckily I had just bought some
lavender last Friday so I was able to fill it immediately. Isn't she clever, and kind too? Thank you so very much Liz, I love it!!

I'm going to go and make some pikelet batter for afternoon tea. No.2 wants to make some when she arrives home from school. Gosh she can be a brick that girl! You wouldn't know she had a broken arm. The only thing she needs help with is her bath. I'm very impressed with her.
Sadly I'm not so impressed with her teacher! No.2 left her school sandals outside the classroom the day she broke her arm and forgot to pick them up when she picked up her bag. Trauma can do that to a girl. Anyway they were left outside the classroom all weekend and on Monday too, and now they are nowhere to be seen. Gosh I was so cross with her teacher so I went to school and had a bit of go at her. She didn't seem to think she should bring in forgotten shoes as she never has before! So off to the deputy head I went and now we have the whole school on the lookout for them. Honestly the things a mother has to do sometimes!
Right, rant over. You can go now.