Friday, 2 October 2009

I Was Tempted - Was I Good?

A present all ready for the new baby! Check out the handmade card (made by Daughter No.1) and the recycled wrap. What do you think of the fabric strip for the ribbon? I like it! No expense here.

Last evening I attended a Tupperware Party. I do love the products they have, I even have a few of them. I just needed a replacement drink bottle for No. 3. Has anybody seen her old one? They are expensive so I would dearly love to find it.

So the demonstrator ran through the new products she had with her, and my goodness there were some beauties!! Really, I could have found a good use for a number of them. But I ticked the drink bottle box and that was it. Yep, I did it, I resisted temptation. And do you know what? It was such a relief not to have to decide what to buy because I wasn't allowed any of it. There was no pressure on me at all. It was such a great feeling. I'm so bad at making decisions anyway.

Glad to see some others popping in to say 'hi' from the challenge. I must pop over to your places soon too. It's a bit difficult in the holidays to find time for everything. I'll get there eventually. I might even set up a new blog list just for you - that would be special, wouldn't it? I've had to cull few off the current list as I just couldn't keep up with all the daily listings.

Anyway this morning I had my friend over with her children and the new baby. He's so little and compact! But I have to say, as lovely as babies are, I'm so glad to be passed this stage. Yep, I'm quite through with tiny people.

I made pikelets with the help of No's 1 and 2. They are such fun to make! We quite enjoy a bit of jammy mess for morning tea. Especially good with company too.

Here is the cheaty quilt I've been working on. Thanks for the name Liz! I felt a bit naughty buying a panel to make a quilt, but then thought of the positive side of things. It would be ready super quick, be fun to quilt, see the finished look, have co-ordinating fabric for the backing and binding, and not cost a fortune.

The baby is only a couple of weeks old and he has it already. Great little project. Good for more quilting and stippling practice too. Which reminds me, people keep asking me about this stippling thing. The pattern it creates is me guiding the fabric around. My machine sews in all directions so all I have to do is hold the fabric and guide it in swirly motions. The idea is not to cross over the stitching lines of other swirls. A bit tricky sometimes and the odd fault occurs. Ahem! Not to worry, who's going to analyse all of it anyway? It is good fun to trace your finger along the lines, as they never run out.

Now the problem I'm going to have at this time of year, being near Christmas, is to show you what I'm working on but not give away the little secrets items. Bit tricky really. Here is a little peak at one project. Aren't the colours lovely? Yes that's the baby quilt leftovers. More savings here!!

I'm thinking that I will start answering questions you have for me in the comments section. I keep forgetting to talk about them otherwise and some of you don't have a blog either to get back to you. It's also great for anonymous commenter's as well. I feel bad when you ask me a question and it looks like I'm ignoring you. Really don't want that to happen. So if you ask me something, check back a little later and see if I've answered it.

It appears someone else is in the Christmas spirit as well. Little No. 4 planted a Christmas tree in her Weet-Bix this morning. Well I guess she felt she should do something with it as she obviously wasn't planning on eating it, yet again!
Now you're going to like this. My big girls announced this morning that they are going to make Christmas presents for everyone in their family this year too. It's catchy this challenge! Good on them I say. I personally can't wait to get stuck into their gifts. I have to do a little second-hand shopping first for one project I have in mind. I think I'll have to start doing some secret squirrel sewing in the evenings too. How exciting!!


Floss said...

Well done - you resisted! I agree that it's a rather freeing feeling not to have to decide on what new stuff to buy. None. There we go. Simple!

I feel the same about not answering all the questions people ask. Tricky, isn't is, because as you say, there are just too many great blogs out there and more comments than can be consistently followed up... I look forward to seeing how you do it.

Lululiz said...

Oh I am so proud of you girl, you didn't bow to party pressure. I know I haven't taken up the challenge officially, but you probably know by now that I am a confirmed CS and bootfair shopper, lol and much rather use old stuff than new.

Hey, I didn't realise I was naming the quilt when it called it a cheaty quilt, lol, but I quite like it. Does it have a label on the back saying " made by Sarah and named by Liz " ? And someone in the far far future will snuggle under the quilt and wonder who those two girls were.......... oh good grief, I think I had better go and get some tea, lol.

Ah, before I go, re answering questions, I try and do it by email, but often the comments on the blog only have the non-reply blogger email, and the person leaving the comment doesn't have email details on their blog. So I try and answer questions on the post, but never know whether they actually read it. Shame really.

Sarah - Red Gingham said...

Thank you Floss and Liz! Now I'm afraid I shall to disappoint you Liz as I didn't make a label for the quilt. Well I thought since it's a cheaty quilt it would be a bit silly. Sure if I'd spend back breaking hours on it but it wasn't like that. I must make one for my real quilt though - another job to do! Actually I haven't really worked out how to do the machine embroidery.

Unknown said...

Hello, I think you are so good , resisting! I know what you mean about being busy, and everything takes soooo much time! suzie. x

Pomona said...

You are an inspiration to all of us challengers with your crafty skills. And I agree it is quite nice have a reason not to buy things - I can feel a moral justification, rather than simply being stingy or mean-spirited!

Pomona x

Anonymous said...

What a good girl! It's difficult to resist temptation when you see such beauties.
When we go shopping we always have a list what to buy and try not to buy what we see by chance.
We usually get clothes for our kids from our friends who have got older children than ours and then when they grow them out we pass them to other friends. I always cook myself the food for us and very rarely use ready made stuff (only in case of emergency)I make the cookies and cakes ,I bake the bread , we grow the vegetables and some fruit in our garden and so on...

The present for the new baby is beautiful!

Dear Sarah, have a nice weekend!

hugs :Manka

A Bun Can Dance said...

Hello Sarah!
A lovely post to read again - I always feel as though you are telling me your news over a cup of tea, your style is so conversational - lovely!
When I get questions in comments I often visit the blog and leave my reply in a comment for them. But I know what you mean, and I often write my next post and think "ah, I didn't follow up some of the responses from the last one..."
Glad you were able to resist temptation! I totally agree that the challenge makes decisions so simple - and that is a blessing! Knowing that I can't buy is great and liberating.
So much to respond to in your post - but just to say - FAB BLOGGING - keep it up!
Denise x

Serenata said...

Well done on resisting the temptation! It has been years since I went to a tupperware party - the last time was in NZ :-)

It is rather freeing to be able to not have to make those kind of decisions though as it has already been made.

I've left an award for you on my blog, not sure if I've done it right as it is a first!

sallgood said...

Conrats on resisting tempation! I had small victory yesterday- my cell phone died, but I was hoping to just replace the battery (which would have cost about $60.) But the phone guy said I would be better off getting a new phone, considering how old mine was. He was right, since I stuck to a basic phone- that was only $50 and had a $50 rebate! Free is good!! (And we revised our phone plan, for more savings!!!Have a good week!