Monday, 13 December 2010

I Want to Post...

I really do!!  But it's not all about feet creaming around here!

 Or snacks (provided by my lovely girls).

I'm afraid I'm rather run off my feet right now.  And I must dash off for a quick round of Junior Scrabble NOW!!!  But I will hopefully be back sooner rather than later to talk with you all.

Until then - Love to you all!!!! xxx


Serenata said...

Goodness...not quite sure what to say to that! ;-) Hope you enjoyed your scrabble game.

Unknown said...

lol...i know i can't keep up with it all either. Have a lovely week. Dee x

A garden just outside Venice said...

Are you ok Sarah?! Or is it just the run up to Christmas which is causing you so much stress???

A Thrifty Mrs said...

It's all a bit fast paced at the moment isn't it?
Enjoy the scrabble!

Anonymous said...

So Happy to wait x

Lululiz said...

Just look at you, lying around, having your feet massaged and snacks made for you. Being waited on hand and foot, sigh. Child slave labour is what I call it!!! Tehehehe, good on ya, girl, make the most of it.

Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

Who won the Scrabble game?

Floss said...

Enjoy the family and don't panic about the posting! It looks like summer and I'm jealous anyway!

Michaja said...

Sweet girls you have Sarah!
Hopefull your feet feel better now.
Take care

Heidi said...

You are in the middle of the ultimate pamper job!!!lucky girl!