Tuesday 15 June 2010

74 Little Morsels

Would you like to come over and bake chocolate chip cookies with No.4 and me?  I'm sure you'll have a whole load of fun and you can sample as you go.

Here is a copy of the recipe for you to keep.  It's probably a family recipe that's a huge secret, but never mind, we'll just keep it between us.  The only difference to how I made it, was I didn't use the custard powder as No.2 can't eat things with cornflower in them.  They still work out fine.  Please excuse the dreadfully messy writing!!  My girls write much neater than I ever did.

Right now, lets turn the oven on to 150.  Mmmm I wonder if this is about right?  Seems the previous owners liked deep cleaning.

Now who's got their new apron on?  Yep I sure have.  I wear it pretty much constantly these days.  I've not been out it in yet, but there was a close call on Saturday night.  Just hopping out to the after hours pharmacy and hubby enquired with a grin if I was planning on wearing my apron too!  Actually I'm amazed he mentioned it.   

OK ladies, lets get creaming...

Mmmm honey, something isn't quite right here.  It's a bit dry and crumbly.

Oh my gosh, the eggs!!!  It says mix well after each egg.  Oh well I'm sure it will be just fine.  It's not like I'm going to be eating them anyway.  Baking really isn't my thing.  The big girls are going to be speachless when they discover what I've been up to this morning.

And last, but certainly not least, the chocolate chips.  Just look at the way she's caressing them.  Sniffing them too.  Such a food junky this one.  They are not safe with her around.

We don't want to miss any now do we?  Must we really lick the bench?!!Honestly the amount of sampling was quite a joke.  Fingers in the sugar, then licking the spoon of baking powder, that was a funny reaction!

Now we're looking good. The best thing about this recipe is the lack of dishes afterwards.  One bowl, beaters and a few spoons to wash up. (Or leave in the sink!)

My little helper was on fork squashing.  She was fired in the end.  Couldn't stop herself from squashing the dough right into the tray. 

But somehow they all came out fine and smelling divine.  We made 74.  The more the merrier when you have four mouths to feed.  Well that should read five really, hubby quite likes to eat biscuits as well.  I'm hoping they last at least one week. 

Happy Baking and apron wearing!


Floss said...

That really does look like a great recipe, and a lot of fun! You are noble, as I don't suppose you can eat these yourself...

Our oven has the same 'Well, I think 200° was about there' feature, and I promise you, I don't over clean it! It just had numbers that rubbed off over time. Somehow, the previous owner had kept them all on, though!

Crafts @ Home said...

These look really delicious, can't wait to try this recipe, and it looks like you had a lot of fun making them too.

Lace hearts said...

My favourite cookies of all. They look yummy. I'd happily munch my way through the whole plate!

Me and Ma said...

Mmm, they look baking, my four love to bake, Freya (10) tends to do a lot of our baking now, sometimes I have to reclaim this as I like to bake too !

roseroomnz.com said...

Love her cooking costume!!! They look good, they will do when I come to visit!! Oh, I am in first year of Bachelor of Education - Primary Teaching:) I love it, but not the exams:( Rachaelxo

Anonymous said...

Lovely,just lovely!

Serenata said...

A week?!!! They wouldn't last a day in our house unless I hid them from DS2! ;-D

Hmm, might try that one myself...

Linda said...

Your oven reminds me of an old measuring cup I have. Everything is all worn off but I still know where to fill it. This is my first time to your blog.I loved all your posts! Thanks for sharing!